Sunday, July 11, 2010



Simply defined, a monument is a structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial to a person, place, or event, usually of some historical importance.
Merida, and Mexico in general, enjoys a savory heritage filled with famous characters and exciting events. Being a very proud people, the Mexican’s never hesitate to embrace their heroes and the events that shaped the history of their country. They love their flag and fly it proudly at every opportunity, and they absolutely love their monuments! And I absolutely love their espirit de corps!
In Merida, you can find a monument almost everywhere you look! And they keep erecting them as I type and as you read! I don’t know of too many glorietas, or “round-abouts/turn-abouts” here in Merida that are devoid of a monument. For those that are, I’m sure there must be plans in the making to construct one! And I say the more the merrier! It’s a great reminder of where we’ve been, and why we are here. I wish the US had the same patriotic inclinations, but there are just too many groups who would find too many politically incorrect connotations in any monument, and the courts would be even fuller than they are now with trivial law suits. (That statement sounds almost political, and I don’t blog “political”!)

The most famous monument in Merida, and the most visited and photographed, is the Monumento a la Patria (Monument to the Fatherland), located on the Paseo de Montejo. Visited by thousands of locals and tourists every year, it is a huge structure and often is the center stage or backdrop of numerous events here in Merida. It is revered by all who visit it and it stands quite stately guarding the traffic that passes it by. It’s one of the absolute nicest monuments you will ever witness anywhere.
(Note: Click on any picture to enlarge.)

Merida’s monuments come in all shapes and sizes. Some are quite large and even intimidating, while others are small and inconspicuous. Here are a few examples:

I don’t know what each monument is supposed to represent, but I do know that each one has its own unique character and unsurpassed charm.

This monument was erected to honor the memory of Pedro Infante, a famous Mexican singer and actor. He was born in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, November 18, 1917, and died in Merida on April 15, 1957, as a result of an airplane accident.

The International Lions Club even snuck in for a commemorative monument!

This monument honors the local Mayan/Yucatecan dance the “Jarana” which is performed quite often throughout the city by various dance groups.

This monument commemorates and celebrates motherhood.

Some monuments are merely fountains while others are intricate displays of Mayan history. At Parque de las Americas (Park of the Americas), almost every structure there can be considered a monument to the Mayan people.

This was a monument to Miguel Canto, but unfortunately, he’s been “busted” and he now adorns someone’s garden or he’s been melted down for his bronze content. I hope he can get his head back on straight and he gets repaired!

Here’s a few photos of a work in progress and the finalized project. Indeed, a very nice addition to the Paseo de Montejo. It commemorates Francisco de Montejo and his son. This was one glorieta that was devoid of a monument, but no longer!

Each monument tells a story and holds cherished memories for the citizens of Merida. Viisitors to these monuments are struck by the feeling that this must have been an important person, or a very noteworthy event, and I often ponder the historical significance. It would be a “monumental task” to research each and every monument, but it may prove to be a worthwhile adventure that I may undertake one day!


  1. WOW Mikey, what a fabulous series of photos of monuments, I REALLY want to know what each one represents.....

  2. I am a big fan of your blogs! Your photographs add so much to the overall substance. Your blogs are some of the best out there and they just keep getting better and better with each post! Please do keep up the good work. We look forward to more!


  3. Mike. Yes, another great post, and what beautiful photos. You could probably, if you had the mind to do it, research monuments and their heroes etc and write about one monument per post, giving us the whole history behind it! That would keep you busy forever.....and all of us entertained.

    I was very surprised to see the new monument near Santa Ana/Montejo....I thought they left it open on purpose to change it every season. It is a nice tribute to the Montejos.

  4. Hi Mike, good to see the pictures of your blog, especially the monuments and colorful houses, but I think that character of Francisco de Montejo should not be there, is better in a museum of the characters of the murderers of humanity, we must not forget our history and the history of Montejo that murderer in the name of religion and God.
    I was born in Yucatan and I'm proud of my country, but do not forget my story.
    that monument not asked the people, put government with our taxes, there should be some other character of our local or national history, but not F. Montejo. not my intention to discuss matters of government or politics, only my point of view is very personal.
    mr Mike, thank you very much for doing something about Yucatan, to publicize some of their history in this blog.

  5. Un poco de historia DE FRANCISCO DE MONTEJO Y Conquista de Yucatán.
    Apodado , El Jefe del Gobierno sí se hizó cargo de la Capitanía General de Yucatán , Pero Las Quejas recibidas en la corte española FUE destituido de carga Su en 1550, Regreso a España asumir el párrafo Su Propia Defensa , aunque murio en Salamanca en 1553 "antes" De Que Pudiera aclarar ante Su Nombre de El Consejo de las Indias . Su Hijo , El Niño Falleció El 08 de febrero 1565 en Guatemala y El Sobrino Falleció en Mérida (Yucatán ) en 1572, uno de Los 55 años .

    De Manera ESTA, la historia ESTÁ formada Por los Descendientes de los Montejo en la conquista de Yucatán.
    Durante, Los Coloniales Años , Los mayas dierón SUS servicios personales párr la Construcción de Edificios Públicos , Casas Religiosas de los conquistadores y Las Tareas Domésticas Escénicas . Los españoles utilizan Estós Servicios Sin restricciones , Que Eran instancia de parte de las obligaciones fiscales de los indios . Pero en 1549 la Corona ha eliminado this Disposición de la encomienda y organizó las Naciones Unidas Sistema ordenar párr El USO de Mano de Obra indígena . Este Sistema en sí llama la división de Servicios de personal , Pero en Yucatán DURANTE La Época colonial Los Que siguen Pidiendo servicios personales . Hasta 1560 Sigue Trabajo como: CADA Trabajadores españoles NECESITAN PARA HACER Frente a Una Verdadera Autoridad en la Licencia . This Con Tupile o envio alguacil Un Pueblo sin Una Orden de Servicio y sí lo Entrego al jefe , Quien nombró uno de Los Indios Que Tenia Que Ir a un SERVIR Los Españoles . Entonces , en Algún Momento de la octava década del Siglo XVI , sí estableció Que Entre EL EL y 2 4 Por Ciento de los tributarios de CADA fueron obligados Ciudad Asistir una de Todos los miércoles en El asentamiento español a su especialista de Jurisdicción . Una Vez Que Los Indios venian un Mérida , Campeche, Valladolid y Salamanca sin Personaje Llamado tandero Encargada De su Distribución en las Casas de los vecinos de Los comisionados y . Para 1630 Cerca de 1,000 satisfechos Maya semanales uno la Ciudad de Mérida .
    La Represión religiosa , En Este Contexto Su Sorpresa FUE grande de Cuando en mayo de 1562, dos Jóvenes Indígenas advirtieron Pedro de Ciudad Rodrigo, guardián del convento de Maní , Los Ídolos y Los cráneos sí Han Encontrado en Una cueva . Se inicio la Investigación Los mayas y Que vivian en la vecindad del Hallazgo fueron traídos ante ÉL , Quien confeso Haber Que hicieron ídolos Ofertas Por la lluvia , La Buena Cosecha y la caza de ciervos . Consciente de la causa , fray Diego de Landa, entonces provincial de la Orden franciscana LLEGÓ un Mani y sí se hizó cargo de situación de Los Angeles. Iniciar Más Famoso El caso de la Persecución religiosa en Yucatán.

    Landa Ordeño la detención de los jefes , directores de Escuelas y maestros . Las Investigaciones en sí caracterizaron Pacíficas Por servicios , Pero Más Tarde Las Confesiones obtenidas MEDIANTE Tortura . El mas era Común Que Los Indios encontraron la instancia de parte posterior de las muñecas atadas Esteban juntas y colgadas de ganarles y convertidor la Cera Ardiendo . Ademas , Los Dedos y Pulgares de anudados Los pasteles Entre Sí y sin palo Con soga retorcida párr atormentar y Idolatría Su confesar . Luego! ponlas en Trampas y Esteban en collares .....
